sgsccf2 days ago1 min readRecruit Camp - Joining Instructions and Kit ListJoining Instrucitons, including a kit list, for those attending next week's recruit camp can be found here.Please note, you need to join the website as a member before accessing this document.
Joining Instrucitons, including a kit list, for those attending next week's recruit camp can be found here.Please note, you need to join the website as a member before accessing this document.
Recruit CampIn respect to next weeks New Recruit Camp, I have received a number of requests confirming places on camp. I have uploaded the final...
Sections LinkThere has been a change to the accessibility of the link for Christmas Parade sections, if you were originally having problems the link...
KitThis is a reminder to all cadets that kit must be worn correctly outside of parade while at school, following recent feedback from SGS...